Torrington In-Person: Domestic Violence & The Rapid Rehousing Program

  • May 23, 2024
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (EDT)
  • 117 Water St, Torrington CT


  • Entry cost is free

Registration is closed

Torrington In-Person: Domestic Violence & The Rapid Rehousing Program

May 23rd, 6pm

This month we are thrilled to have special guests joining us from The Susan B. Anthony Project to talk about their Domestic Violence Rapid Re-Housing Program. Program Director: Laura Mancini & Program Manager: Megan Smart will go in depth on how the program operates. This is a valuable program that SBA offers. SBA works diligently with housing providers to try and ensure that both new residents and housing providers have a harmonious relationship.

Unlike some other programs they provide not only financial support to new residents but also ongoing social & mental health support after placement. SBA really follows through on trying to ensure long-term success/stability for their clients. Additionally SBA is especially understanding of the struggle on both sides, not only for residents, but for housing providers trying their best to provide quality housing while taking a chance on those w/ complex histories. Please join us to learn more about this valuable program as well as what SBA does for our communities. 

After SBA's presentation please feel free to stay and network! 

~ Housing providers, Renters / Residents, Realtors, Contractors & those from other related industries are all welcome! ~ 

There will be time to ask questions to the ladies of SBA, promote businesses.... as well as catch up on the status of pending legislation in the state of Connecticut, and what you can do to prevent harmful legislation from passing or how to support positive legislation. 

This event is free, though we do ask if hungry or thirsty to consider buying a beer or water from Bad Dog Brewing Company or purchasing something from the food truck. Bad Dog generously offers this wonderful space to us for free.