Meriden Housing Forum & Buffet Dinner
October 20, 2016
5:45 AM - 8:00 PM
Sheraton Four Points - 275 Research Pkwy. Meriden CT 06451
Basic/Free CTPOA Membership – $10.00
Free Members and interested parties can pay online or at the door. Why not upgrade to a paid membership and attend for free?
CTPOA Premiem Members
Paid CTPOA members attend free
Registration is closed
Register now and join the CTPOA and Carabetta Enterprises for an evening of good conversation and an Italian Buffet dinnner. Come mix and mingle with the canidates running for office in Central Connecticut and hear from the event co-sponsor, Capital for Change about
new financing availabe for property owners
as they detail their low interest loan funding programs for development and energy saving improvements.